Dakoda has fought an uphill battle his entire life, from brain bleeding to eye surgeries and years of speech/physical/occupational health. Dakoda so desperately wants to do the types of things other kids his age are doing. Dakoda is focusing on a trade vocational school studying Electrical. Dakoda has expressed interest in going to Disney World because its something that we haven’t been able to do due to the lack of funding. He has an older sibling and several younger siblings making him almost the oldest. Dakoda is a smart kid who hasn’t let his severe bleeding disorder stand in the way of being an amazing, compassionate, caring, and helpful person. While he has battle joint bleeds and many surgeries, he always seems to keep a smile on his face and doesn’t let it bother him. Being able to go on this trip would help him to actually feel like a kid again. Carefree and in complete wonder and awe.

- $5,500.00 Donated
- $5,500.00 Goal
- 2 Donors