My name is Gracey. I have been diagnosed with low-functioning autism and am non-verbal, but when I grow up, my mom and dad think I will be an inspiring Olympic swimmer. I also have a great love for animals and people who need companionship. I would probably be someone who helps animals or elderly people. My favorite things to do are swimming and being in the sun. I love being in my backyard by the pool and watching Disney programs. I am a huge fan of Donald Duck. His voice makes me giggle. I also enjoy dancing to the Mickey Mouse Club shows. I get very excited. Disney world is a magical place. I have a younger brother who also has autism that is non-verbal. He loves the beauty of the princesses. We both will get to experience the of the most magical place in the world. I want to dance with Mickey Mouse and ride the rides in the park. I want to swim in the ocean and feel the sand in my toes. My mother went to Florida when she was 6 years old and wants my brother and I to have the same memories she has as a child! She has dreamed about taking us for years.

- $5,000.00 Donated
- $5,000.00 Goal
- 4 Donors