
“When I was pregnant with Hazeem, the doctors said I could have heart failure and die. I struggled to make a decision so I met a Priest, and he told me, “You don’t kill a soul to save a soul.” My decision was final – I was having my baby even if it meant death for me. The doctors put me on high dose medicine for high blood pressure and sugar. I asked the doctors if this would affect the baby. They said, “Our concern is saving mom and baby.” When Hazeem was born, he came out shaking. I knew something was wrong, but I took him home and loved him. Through the months, he was calm and quiet. I waited for him to say “mommy” and “daddy” but nothing. I told the doctors about his speech then they began hearing tests and suggested other testing and agencies who could help Hazeem. He was diagnosed with autism. He was diagnosed with other disorders as well, but I told them I didn’t want to know. AUTISM was enough for me. After having Hazeem, my heart became weak, I tell people he has my heart. Today I’m living with stage three heart failure hoping to get a heart transplant some day. Currently, Hazeem is non verbal. I’m waiting for the day he calls me “mom” and is able to understand better. Hazeem loves airplane toys. He likes to makes noises and put them out the windows like he’s flying them. When people ask, “What does he want to be when he grows up?” I say a Pilot. He also likes books, he loves water, and he likes to run, Hazeem runs really, really fast. The Disney trip would make his dream come true because he would enjoy the airplane ride and water rides and a chance to run an play and meet all the Disney characters he watches on TV.” – Yolanda, Hazeem’s mom

This campaign successfully reached its funding goal and ended 6 years ago
101% Funded
  • $5,050.00 Donated
  • $5,000.00 Goal
  • 2 Donors
Time left to donate

About the Campaign