Cassandra K for Ronan

My name is Ronan, and I am an adventurous and skillful 4 year old boy. I have been diagnosed with low-functioning autism. I love to ride bikes, jump on the trampoline, and I’ll climb just about anything! Fun is my middle name. I’m full of hugs, smiles, and love. I love to swim, splash, and slide. My Dream Come True is to go to the Florida Theme Parks and to play at a water park!

This campaign successfully reached its funding goal and ended 5 years ago
100% Funded
  • $200.00 Donated
  • $200.00 Goal
  • 5 Donors
Time left to donate

About the Campaign


  • Duncan Passell

    So proud of my girl!

    November 15, 2019 at 9:54 pm

  • Pamela Fasciani

    I love to swim, splash, and slide too Ronan!

    November 15, 2019 at 10:21 pm

  • Gloria Swanson

    Cass, this is wonderful. You are so sweet and kind.

    November 18, 2019 at 12:28 pm

  • Megan Raymond

    I want Ronan’s dream to come true, love that Cassie is doing what she can to help that happen!

    January 14, 2020 at 10:00 pm